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The Nearest Defibrillators are located at

Colehill Memorial Hall
Cannon Hill Road, BH21 2LS

Situated between Colehill First School and Colehill Library

Note the postcode BH21 2LR must be used with the operator to unlock the code, due to how the unit is logged on the UK grid reference,
this is not the same at the Royal Mail postcode.


The One Stop, Dales Road,
Colehill, BH21 2JT

Defibrillator Colehill



To Open in an Emergency:

1. Call 999 and ask for Ambulance.

2. Keep calm and follow the instructions.

3. Tell the Operator you are located at
Postcode: BH21 2LR* and Defibrillator Box AAB56

   * (Note the postcode BH21 2LR must be used to unlock the code, 
   because of how the until is logged on the UK grid reference, this
   is not the same at the Royal Mail postcode).

4. You will be given an unlock code.

5. Enter the code by firmly pressing the keypad.

6. Stay on the telephone for further instructions.



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